Welcome to the El Nido Elementary
School District Website!
Mrs. Heupel
I am honored and humbled to serve as Superintendent of the El Nido Elementary School District. Our district provided TK-8th grade students with high-level academics, extra-curricular and co-curricular opportunities, and experiences, preparing them for high school and beyond. Our El Nido Elementary School District Motto is " Growing visionary leaders that will shape the future," as a district, we are committed to this motto!
Our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) established three LCAP goals: Goal 1 - Increase academic achievement and promote equity for all students; Goal 2 - Build bi-literacy and close academic achievement gaps in ELA and Math for current English Learners by 10 points per year; and Goal 3 - Maintain a positive, safe, and engaging school environment. We pride ourselves in ensuring each goal, action, and service are implemented to the utmost level of excellence as they will prepare all students for their future.
Thanks to the community of El Nido, Bond Measures P and Q were passed in 2019 in the amount of $6.8 million dollars. These bonds will provide the students of El Nido Elementary School a much needed event center (gym, cafeteria, auditorium). In addition, these funds will also modernize many of our campus buildings including the main office. These are exciting times for us as we begin to see some of the modernization and construction take place on campus. All construction projects are scheduled to be completed by 2026.
We are always excited to share what is going on at El Nido Elementary School District! Please visit our website often for important information throughout the year. Also, "like us on Facebook, “follow us” on Twitter and Instagram, which feature student learning and participating in many events and activities throughout the school year. Most importantly, download our El Nido ParentSqaure to receive all of our school communications.
We are proud to serve the students and families of El Nido and will continue to strive to provide excellent education and celebrate students' success. Feel free to reach out to us at any time and take part in our district gatherings, such as SSC, DELAC, and PTC.
We thank you for your support and trust as we continue to work in hand with each of you to make this a great year!